
Showing posts from July, 2024

Community Spirit and Flavour: A Taste of Regent Park Unites and Inspires Every Wednesday

On July 3rd, 2024, the community of Regent Park came together to form the vibrant weekly market of Taste of Regent Park. This weekly event, lasts approximately a month from July 3rd to September 4th, from 5:00 to 8:00 PM, featuring talented individuals and groups, such as local artisans, craftspeople, community organizations, food vendors, and entertainers. Opening for today is Snooky Tunes, a prominent Regent Park musician who encompasses the park with songs and music with his band.  A Taste of Regent Park allows its neighbourhood to come together as a community to experiment with entrepreneurial endeavours. If you come to this weekly event, you can expect to experience unique cultural cuisine, and talented local vendors selling clothes, jewellery accessories, art, crafts, food, and various other things set up in booths to sell to others in the neighbourhood. In these booths, you can also expect to find community agency information and resources. Among these booths are volunteers from

RPTV WEEKLY NEWS (EP86) - TPH Unveils Strategic Plan 2024-2028; Taste of Regent Park is Back!

RPTV Weekly News Show Episode 86 (July 1st to July 11th) - in this weekly news show hosted by RPTV reporters Kedar Ahmed, Gabriel Meissner, and Fred Alvarado, we present news that impacts on Toronto's Regent Park and the surrounding areas. In this episode, we present the following news: 0:00 Intro; 01:08 Report of the SPD Stakeholders Table Meeting on July 11th; 06:27 Taste of Regent Park is Back!; 10:41 Community Reactions to Renaming Dundas Square as Sankofa Square; 16:46 Toronto Public Health unveils Strategic Plan 2024-2028; 18:18 New LGBTQ+ Black-Led Shelter for African Refugees Coming to Toronto; 29:02 Councillor Chris Moise Updates Community on 214-230 Sherbourne St; 30:04 Hope for Moss Park: Updated Downtown East Action Plan Promises Revitalization; 31:22 Events and Jobs in Regent Park community. This week's lead story: Toronto Public Health unveils Strategic Plan 2024-2028 By Fred Alvarado Red is a community journalist with FOCUS MEDIA ARTS CENTRE On July 8, Toronto Pu

Renaming of Dundas Square

On July 4th, 2024, RPTV Volunteer MC Zlatan took to Dundas Square, soon to be officially renamed Sankofa Square, amidst ongoing controversy surrounding its original namesake, Henry Dundas. Dundas, known for his involvement in the trans-Atlantic slave trade during his political career in the late 18th to early 19th centuries, has sparked debate. MC Zlatan engaged with random individuals in the square, querying their perspectives on the renaming.   Henry Dundas, a prominent Scottish politician in the British parliament of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, wielded considerable influence in both Scottish and British politics. However, his historical legacy has become a topic of contemporary debate, particularly due to his association with the trans-Atlantic slave trade. His role in delaying the abolition of this trade prompted the City of Toronto to initiate the renaming of Dundas Square in downtown Toronto.  The proposed new name, Sankofa Square, is set to take official effect on th

'OUTLOUD' Regent Park Pride Event 2024

 On June 14, 2024, the Regent Park Out Loud block party took place near the Regent Park Focus Media Arts Centre, uniting the community for its 2nd annual event. Designed to foster social inclusion and cohesion, especially with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, the event featured booths offering food, art, games, karaoke, and performances. Founded by Gail Lynch, a dedicated advocate for 2SLGBTQIA+ rights in Regent Park, the event highlighted progress in community acceptance over the past decades while acknowledging ongoing challenges. Lynch emphasized the importance of continuing the fight for inclusivity, reflecting on the evolving cultural landscape and the community's journey towards acceptance and celebration. Regent Park Out Loud exemplifies the neighborhood's commitment to diversity and community spirit, promising more such events in the future.  

City Approves Renaming Dundas Square to Sankofa Square and reviews its governance and operations

During a heated meeting, Mayor Olivia Chow and the executive committee voted unanimously to rename Yonge-Dundas Square to Sankofa Square. This renaming honours African-Canadian contributions and emphasizes learning from the past. Deputations from community members offering varied perspectives on the renaming process were an integral part of the discussions. Although critics argue the nearly $1 million renaming cost could be better allocated, supporters highlight that additional funding will come from third-party partners, not property taxes. Following this decision, the Toronto City Council requested a comprehensive governance and operational review of Sankofa Square. The review led to significant recommendations from the Executive Committee, including managing Sankofa Square similarly to Nathan Phillips Square. A multi-year strategic and business plan for Sankofa Square was proposed by the Executive Committee. This plan aims to boost economic development, tourism, and community progra

Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre Celebrates Summer Solstice and National Indigenous Peoples Day

On June 21, the summer solstice marked the celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day across Canada, a day dedicated to honoring the distinct heritage and enduring spirit of Indigenous peoples. This significant day is not just a commemoration of cultural ancestral ceremonies but a harmonious celebration resonating with the drumbeats of community unity. To mark this special day, the Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre hosted a heartfelt gathering at the Aga Khan Museum on June 20 and 21, bringing the community together in an authentic celebration reflective of their traditions, worldviews, and ways of knowing, being and doing. The event featured a variety of cultural activities, including Sacred Fire teachings, drumming by All Nations Juniors Aztec dance performances, tipi teachings, and Wampum teachings. Arts and crafts tents, four-direction tipis, and hand drumming sessions further enriched the experience. Local Indigenous service providers such as Toronto Aboriginal Suppo

Regent Park Planning Committee Tackles Strategic Planning and Funding Challenges

The Regent Park Planning Committee convened on June 27, 2024, for a pivotal meeting, addressing strategic priorities and funding challenges for the Regent Park Social Development Plan (SDP). The meeting was led by facilitator Elena and saw active participation from key community members. The committee's mission is to steer the SDP Stakeholders Table on strategic direction, action priorities, and stakeholder engagement, ensuring that meetings are effective, workgroups are prepared, and urgent needs are swiftly addressed. The meeting kicked off with a review and approval of the agenda. One of the focal points was the consultant refresh meeting scheduled for July 16. Richard, a Community Development Officer (CDO) at the City Of Toronto, confirmed that findings and recommendations from this process, involving both residents and organizations, would be presented. Richard emphasized that these findings would be available at the meeting and, if possible, made public beforehand. This assur

New LGBTQ+ Black-Led Shelter for African Refugees Coming to Toronto

By Fred Alvarado Fred is a community journalist with FOCUS MEDIA ARTS CENTRE In a recent interview, Christopher Nkambwe, Executive Director of The African Centre for Refugees in Ontario-Canada, and Siu Mee Cheng, Executive Director of Street Haven, unveiled an ambitious new project proposal. The proposal aims to develop Toronto's first LGBTQ+ Black-led shelter for African refugees. Located near the intersection of Dundas and Sherbourne Streets, Street Haven, Canada’s oldest shelter for women, will collaborate on this groundbreaking initiative. The shelter will be the first dedicated space for LGBTQ+ Black community members, addressing a critical gap in Toronto's support services. Nkambwe and Cheng emphasized the importance of a gender-based approach to meet the unique needs of this vulnerable population. The LGBTQ+ African refugee community often faces severe stigma, violence, and mental health challenges. Many arrive from countries like Ghana and Uganda, where homosexuality is

Fostering Connections: An Inside Look at Regent Park Neighbourhood Association with Gail Lynch

In an interview with Regent Park TV, Gail Lynch, a prominent figure in Regent Park and a dedicated member of the Regent Park Neighbourhood Association (RPNA), shared her views on a wide range of subjects including the role of the RPNA in the ongoing revitalization of Regent Park, the importance of civic engagement, and her vision of a more inclusive, equitable, and cohesive neighbourhood. The RPNA is a resident-led volunteer group committed to building an inclusive and vibrant community through advocacy, community-building, and communication. Gail delves into the RPNA's efforts and its challenges as the Regent Park Revitalization enters its final stages. The RPNA has been instrumental in forming the Community Benefits Coalition, which includes the Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) and condo residents, supported by local community organizations. This coalition aims to leverage equitable local economic development opportunities and community benefits from Regent Park’s las

St James Town Spring Gathering 2024 Marks a Decade of Impact

On June 14th, the St James Town community celebrated a significant milestone as residents and local organizations gathered at Rose Avenue Public School Gym for the 10th annual Spring Gathering and Health Access event. This event, a cornerstone in fostering community resilience and solidarity, brought together residents, community leaders, and local partner organizations, including St James Town Community Corner, Sherbourne Health, and the Residents Council. The primary aim of the Spring Gathering is to strengthen community bonds, provide vital information on health access programs, and, most importantly, consult with the community to address pressing needs such as affordable housing, food insecurity, and holistic health care. Over the past decade, the event has played a crucial role in supporting marginalized communities, including newcomers, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and all residents of St James Town, by fostering inclusive community health access and services. The gathering o