
Showing posts from April, 2024

Eid Celebration Unites Regent Park in Diversity and Joy

 In Regent Park, the vibrant spirit of Eid permeated the atmosphere as residents gathered to commemorate the conclusion of Ramadan. Rabia Alsabaie, the founder of the Happy Mom Happy Children's Group and a beloved member of the community, orchestrated a jubilant Eid event at the Daniels Spectrum building. From a lively photobooth to intricate henna designs and handmade Eid cards, every aspect of the celebration radiated the essence of togetherness and festivity that characterizes this special occasion. Regent Park TV reporter Fred Alvarado had the opportunity to interview Rabia to gain deeper insights into the significance of the event. "Eid Mubarak to everyone celebrating Eid. I hope this month's festivities bring blessings, peace, and joy to our entire community," Rabia expressed. "Today, we mark the end of Ramadan after 30 days of fasting. Our event features various activities, including meet and greets, a toy drive organized by Healing As One, complimentary r