
Showing posts from 2023

Toronto Police Officers Deliver Donations this Holiday Season as part of Project Hope

A remarkable tale of compassion and solidarity within our community emerged this holiday season as Project Hope, led by the Toronto Police Service officers and community volunteers, extended a heartwarming welcome to more than 500 newcomer and refugee families arriving to Canada. Their efforts brought not just essentials but also immeasurable joy to those in dire need. Starting with helping refugees from Afghanistan, Project Hope continues to grow as a beacon of the community's open arms towards refugees, embracing newcomers from various corners of the world. Led by the steadfast commitment of Regent Park Constables Farzad Ghotbi and Mustafa Popalzai, both refugees from Afghanistan and Iran, the project has gathered truckloads of essentials since August 2021, now totaling more than $1 million in donations. With the collaboration of 35 police officers, 40 volunteers, and generous contributions from corporate sponsors, Project Hope has woven a tapestry of compassion. Recently, on Dec...

National Day of Remembrance and Action to Stop Violence Against Women Held Online in Toronto

Regent Park, is a vibrant and diverse community in Toronto, and has long been a focal point for initiatives addressing social issues and promoting unity. The annual event held on December 6th, 2023, to commemorate the National Day of Remembrance & Action against violence towards women, exemplifies the community's commitment to creating positive change. As the event unfolded, the traditional opening by Kevin Myron from the Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre showcased the community's rich cultural tapestry. Athena Tomes' traditional Hoop Dance further underscored the importance of cultural expression in fostering resilience. Councillor Lily Cheng, serving as the keynote speaker, brought attention to key issues. Her address not only highlighted the challenges but also emphasized the community's collective strength in combating Gender-Based Violence, Human Trafficking, and the Opioid Crisis, particularly in marginalized communities. The Spoken Word performance ...

Local Artist In Regent Park - Muhammad Muzharul Haque

Muhammad Muzhural Haque is a local artist who has lived in Regent Park for the past 22 years and is deeply engaged in his community. His fascination with the diverse cultures and positive changes within the neighbourhood has inspired his artistic journey. Born and raised in Bangladesh, he cultivated his passion for art there and continued to pursue it as a career after immigrating to Canada. His creations primarily involve mixed media and digital printing, allowing him to bring his ideas and thoughts to vibrant life.   Once Muhammad and his family came to Canada, his passion for art only grew. As a local artist and resident of Regent Park, he began creating many paintings and artworks for the community. This allowed him to exhibit his work in gallery settings, such as the Rotating Regent Park Art Gallery hosted in the Daniels Presentation Centre in 2018. He also got the opportunity to display his artworks in many of Regent Park's structures, including the Paintbox, the 170 Sumach c...

Ontario's Housing Crisis: Regent Park Community Advocate wants 'Affordable' Housing Re-defined

In Regent Park, where people who are living in social housing are facing a renewed sense of urgency surrounding discussions of affordable housing - due in part to the rise in food prices, transportation and health care - keeping those discussions alive and current in the minds of policy makers becomes even more vital. In a November 21, 2023 Ontario Legislature meeting of the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, Regent Park resident Walied Khogali Ali, Co-Chair Community Working Group , Co-Chair Regent Park Stakeholders Table SDP, and Resident Co-Chair Community Benefits Oversight Working Group (CBOWG), delivered a deputation on behalf of the Federation of South Toronto Residents Association. Walied addressed members of the provincial Parliament in support of Bill 134, the Affordable Homes and Good Jobs Act. FOSTRA, representing 25 residents associations in downtown Toronto, supports defining affordable rent based on a percentage of household income but is...

Sunday In The Park 2023

 Regent Park, a vibrant community in downtown Toronto, has a long-standing tradition of celebrating its cultural diversity and artistic talents through the annual "Sunday in the Park" festival. In 2023, this beloved event marked its 32nd year, bringing together residents and visitors to celebrate the neighbourhood's strengths and unity. Hosted by the Neighbourhood Information Post in collaboration with the Community Building Working Group of the Social Development Plan, Sunday in the Park marks its second in-person event since the COVID-19 pandemic. Key partners include the City of Toronto, Toronto Community Housing, Tridel Builders, Focus Media Arts Centre, Regent Park Neighbourhood Association (RPNA), Daniels, Artscape, TNG Community Services, Fred Victor, Young Street Mission (YSM), Scotia Bank and others. The event's co-hosts, Samir Abdella and Walied Khogali, along with Master of Ceremonies(MC) Kishka, ensured the festival's energy and spirit remained high th...

Interview with Councillor Chris Moise July 2023 on Toronto's Downtown East Issues

City Councillor Chris Moise is no stranger to being in the public view and is someone who has dedicated his life to public service. As councillor for Ward 13, which he has himself described as “complex” - it  encompasses the neighbourhoods of Church Wellesley, St Jamestown, Cabbagetown, Regent Park, Moss Park, and Cork Town. The ward has populations of both high income residents and low income residents, and a proportionately large number who are homeless and living in shelters, and of late, in encampments. Many also face complex health and mental issues, and may also be dealing with substance abuse issues. In an interview with RPTV reporter, they spoke about a wide range of issues in Toronto's East Side. First, they spoke of the next stages of the multi-year revitalization of Regent Park. Many of those in Regent Park are concerned that this next phase may cause displacement of residents, barriers to accessing new facilities, and loss of the many cultural communities that are part ...

What Social Inclusion Means to Me

I had moved into Regent Park only a few days before I saw the pink, fuchsia, strawberry, indigo, yellow, green, neck streamers and sparkling robes worn by children, parents, aunts, uncles, and elders as they marched passed my kitchen door. Soon, the nearby Athletic Grounds was blazing with colour. Although it was the first time I heard them, the intonations on the microphone were recognizable, even to me, as prayers. It was Eid, the concluding celebration after Ramadan. It was a beautiful sight. I am a White Jewish senior and I hunted for a stairless condo for years before I chose to live in Regent Park and then only because a relative did business with the new seniors’ building there. “Regent Park?” a friend exclaimed. “You are going to have ethnic problems.”  “Not I.  I come from a long line of fiery leftie activists.” I replied. Stage four and five of revitalizing this post-war subsidized development into a multi-income community was just beginning and I ju...

Meetings… More Meetings! - An inside look at the meetings of the SDP

On May 10, 2023, the Regent Park Social Development Plan network will be holding a community meeting reporting on the work and achievements over the past year. For those of you who are unaware, the Regent Park Social Development Plan (SDP) is a community wide initiative aimed at bringing all residents and groups together to stimulate positive social change around four priority areas, each represented by a working group (community safety, community building, employment and economic development and communication). These working groups meet monthly. In addition to the working groups, there are also four standing committees (Evaluation and Benchmark, the Funding Committee, the Community Benefits Oversight Working Group and the Planning Committee). Some of these committees meet monthly, some bi-weekly and some, like the Planning Committee, meet every single week! As if all these meetings were not enough, almost all the workgroups and committees have task groups or sub-committees that meet i...

Police Quarterly Meeting At Regent Park 2023

Toronto Police officers from 51 Division held their quarterly community meeting with Regent Park residents on March 27th, 2023 at 150 River Street to discuss neighbourhood policing, youth engagement, crime statistics and trends, police- community projects, crime prevention, avoiding scams and fraudsters, and other community concerns. The community discussion was moderated by Sergeant Henry Dyck—the Neighbourhood Community officer supervisor. City Councillor for Toronto Centre Ward 13—Chris Moise— and TCHC Supervisor of Revitalization and Renewal Communities—Shane Bourne— were also present at the meeting.   Sergeant Henry Duck began the meeting with positive news to share. He reported that from January 1st to March 27th the six neighbourhoods within 51 Division have been doing well in all indicators the police track. This means statistics like assault, sexual assault, shootings, auto theft and homicides have all decreased. Similar Neighbourhood Community officers serving Regent Park...

February 16th Report of the SDP Funding Task Group critical of the City’s Community Funding Unit

The Regent Park Social Development Plan, also known as the SDP, is a community wide initiative aimed at fostering unity and togetherness among all the different residents and stakeholder groups in the community. The Social Development Plan is built around 4 areas of priorities of the SDP. Each priority area is represented by a different working group. The SDP Working Groups are Safety,  Communications, Employment and Economic Development and Community Building. In addition to the four committees, there is a SDP Planning Committee that meets weekly to help guide the activities of the SDP. The February 16, 2023, SDP Planning Committee took place over Zoom from 5 pm to 7 pm. The meeting was chaired by Marlene DeGenova, the market resident chair of the SDP.  The first item on the agenda was a report back from the Funding Task Group which was formed by the SDP Planning Group on January 17, 2023, initially in response to the City Community Funding Units failure to inform the SDP abo...

Face off! “Should John Tory have resigned?”

 NO!!! HE SHOULD HAVE STAYED I feel that Mayor John Tory’s extramarital affair and issues of consent are a private matter and should not affect his position and profession. Yes, it is true that he engaged sexually with a fellow staffer. This staffer, with whom he engaged, is rightfully shrouded in mystery. I understand and respect that the media did not "out" this woman and reveal her identity. Such an action could be unsafe and have long-term consequences against her, as culture tends to demonize women in such situations. Nevertheless these are personal matters for both parties. People speak of an abuse of power, but the woman he engaged with was a willing participant. She knowingly engaged with Mr. Tory, and we do not have all the details and may never have them. There is a possibility that the young woman used her own power to her advantage.   If ex-mayor Tory, in some way, coerced the fellow worker into having sex to gain money, power, or position, then that is another ma...

Regent Park United Soccer Club Struggling to Continue Free Children’s Soccer Program

The Regent Park soccer house league for kids that has been a free Saturday program at Nelson Mandela soccer field for the past 10 years, announced their disappointment with the City Community Funding Unit for turning down their 2022 Regent Park Social Development Plan Grant Application funding.   T’ai James Simm-Smith, Director of Operations of Regent Park United soccer club, released the following statement on Facebook.  “It’s sad, but the Regent Park United Soccer Club did not get funding needed to sustain our growing program. Some of our coaches feel that the community let them down and will be moving on to helping other communities who also need a soccer program like the one we ran for ten years. It’s a sad day when bureaucrats cannot provide organizations who actually do great work with the proper funding. We will be lucky if we have our U16 rep team and another younger rep team playing, as we want to continue our Friday night practises at Regent Park Athletic Grounds. Ve...

A Conversation with Kristyn Wong Tam - MPP Toronto Centre

MPP for Toronto Centre discusses a broad range of urgent issues facing area residents. In a wide-ranging interview Kristyn Wong Tam, Member of Provincial Parliament of Ontario (MPP) for Toronto Centre representing the New Democratic Party, sat down with Focus reporter, Allanis Inguillo, to discuss some of the key concerns that residents in the Downtown East neighbourhoods are facing. Allanis: As the new MPP Toronto Centre we would like to speak with you about some of the key issues that people in this neighbourhood are facing in the early part of 2023, and we were hoping to get your thoughts on some the most pressing issues currently grabbing the spotlight. For example, the long-proposed Moss Park Revitalization was planned to begin, however with Metrolinks moving in with their own plans to develop the new subway station, what is the status of the revitalization? Kristyn: That’s a great question and it’s one that I’m also very curious about and I present a member of the Provincial Parl...

CSI Announces the End of the CSI Community Living Room Project at Daniels Spectrum

On February 2nd 2023, Denise Soueidan-O’Leary, the Director of Projects and Partnerships with the Centre for Social Innovations (CSI) announced the end of the year-long CSI Community Living Room project located on the first floor of the Daniels Spectrum Arts Centre. This represents the end of CSI’s long-time presence in the Daniels Spectrum Arts Centre as previously they managed the third floor, CSI coworking space. The first floor Community Living Room, initiated by CSI with the support of Artscape, was a barrier-free lounge area that was comfortably furnished and allowed community members free access to relax, read, work and play. For example, residents could use the Community Living Room to hang out, to eat, to use the free internet to do homework, to read any of the books provided, to chat with friends, hold birthday parties and meetings, organize events, or for childcare. Just like your living room at home - the space was a community living room for residents and groups to use how...

Charges Dropped for Regent Park Resident Involved In Toppling Sir John A. Macdonald Statue

Regent Park resident, Miguel Avila-Velarde, who was arrested following his participation in the removal and destruction of the Sir John A. Macdonald statue from Gore Park in Hamilton, has had his charges dropped. In August of 2021, Miguel Avila-Velarde was one of approximately 200 demonstrators who had gathered in Hamilton’s Gore Park to protest the Hamilton City council’s decision not to remove the statue of Sir  John A. Macdonald. Protestors pulled the statue down using ropes tied to the statues neck. The statue was further vandalized by a grinder, hammer, red paint and finally was beheaded.   John A. Macdonald, was Canada’s inaugural Prime Minister, and considered by many to be a key architect in the creation of the residential school system. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (2007), has since declared that residential schools were a form of “cultural genocide” against First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. Following the release of his photo and a warrant ...

Black History Month: More Than Just A Celebration

Written by Murphy Browne February is African History Month/African Heritage Month/Black History Month in Canada. During this month, schools, business places and community organizations usually plan at least one activity to acknowledge the history and culture of Africans. Often these events are used as an excuse to display African attire, sample African food, music and dance. However more should be done to ensure that Black history events are more than just entertainment but a way of educating Canadians about the history and contributions of Blacks/Africans in Canada. Black/African history in Canada did not begin with slavery. According to the Canadian Encyclopedia, Mathieu DaCosta is recognized as the first African to arrive in Canada (1607). He was an interpreter for the French with the Mi’kmaq people. He was as part of the expedition of Pierre Dugua, the Sieur de Monts, and Samuel de Champlain that travelled from France. Most Africans in the Diaspora, however, are the descendants of ...

City Staff Presents at The February Executive Directors Network Meeting

 The Regent Park Executive Directors Network, commonly referred as the ED Network, is a network consisting of senior decision-makers of organizations serving the Regent Park neighbourhood. Generally, the network meets monthly to share information, advocate on issues and coordinate delivery service to the Regent Park area.  The ED network is also an opportunity to invite guests and hear from speakers that can help better inform the network of the issues they are concerned about. On Monday February 13, 2023, the Executive Directors Network held their first meeting of the year.  The meeting was facilitated by Greg Gary, the chair of the network representing Kiwanis K-Club and Leah Katerberg, co-chair representing Young Street Mission. The guest speakers for the meeting were City of Toronto staff members, Richard Kirwan, the Community Development Officer for the Downtown East and Daniella Castello, the City’s Community Development Worker serving the SDP and the Regent Park Ne...

City Council Rejects the Call to Open Warming Centres 24 Hours A Day, Seven Days A Week

Despite an open letter to City Council sent by the Health Providers Against Poverty and Shelter Housing Justice Network and a Board of Health motion urging city council to provide around the clock access to warming centres for people living on the street,  Toronto City Councillors still voted (15-11) to reject a call for council to declare a public health crisis and to open warming centres 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Coun. Michael Thompson, introduced amendments rejecting the motion from the Board of Health arguing that it will cost an estimated $400,000 to run a single 24/7 warming centre for one month. Coun. Alejandra Bravo, was among those opposing Coun Thompson’s amendments countering that the issue is one of priorities, not funds, given the city came up with the money to deploy 80 Toronto Police Services officers a day to patrol the transit system last month. As a result of twhe vote, warming centres will continue only to open when the city’s Medical Officer of Health i...

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs – The Employment and Economic Development Working Group Meeting of January 17, 2023

Disseminating information residents to underemployed residents of Regent Park The Regent Park Social Development Plan, also known as the SDP, is a community- wide initiative aimed at fostering unity and togetherness among all the different residents and stakeholder groups in the community. The Employment and Economic Development Working Group, known as the EED Working Group, is one the four working groups of the SDP. The working group is made up of residents, grassroots groups and organizations serving Regent Park. The goal of the EED committee is to increase employment rates and entrepreneurial opportunities for residents of Regent Park. Considered among the lowest income neighbourhoods in Toronto, antidotal evidence suggests that many Regent Park households are struggling with employment barriers related to language, lack of skills, lack of accreditation, mental health, Islamophobia, systemic racism and more. On Tuesday, January 17th ,2023, the EED Working Group held a hybrid...

City Staff defends decision to allocate 2023 SDP funds without consulting the SDP

The Regent Park Social Development Plan, also known as the SDP, is a community wide initiative aimed at fostering unity and togetherness among all the different residents and stakeholder groups in the community. The Social Development Plan is built around 4 areas of priorities of the SDP. Each priority area is represented by a different committee. The SDP committees are Safety, Communications, Employment and Economic Development and Community Building. In addition to the four committees, there is a SDP Planning Committee, comprised of members  and stakeholders that meets weekly to help guide the activities of the SDP.    The first SDP Planning Committee of the 2023 year took place on January 12, 2023, at 1 pm over Zoom. The meeting was chaired by Greg Gary, an agency chair of the SDP.   The January 12, 2023, planning committee meeting focused almost entirely on concerns related to the SDP funding, namely the City of Toronto’s staff decision to allocat...

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs – SDP Employment Working Group Meeting of January 17, 2023

The Regent Park Social Development Plan, also known as the SDP, is a community- wide initiative aimed at fostering unity and togetherness among all the different residents and stakeholder groups in the community. The Employment and Economic Development Working Group, known as the EED Working Group, is one the four working groups of the SDP. The working group is made up of residents, grassroots groups and organizations serving Regent Park. The goal of the EED committee is to increase employment rates and entrepreneurial opportunities for residents of Regent Park. Considered among the lowest income neighbourhoods in Toronto, anedotal evidence suggests that many Regent Park households are struggling with employment barriers related to language, lack of skills, lack of accreditation, mental health, Islamophobia, systemic racism and more. ‘ On Tuesday, January 17th, 2023, the EED Working Group held a hybrid meeting at the Daniels Spectrum Arts Centre, from 5-7 pm. The meetin...

City of Toronto announces the recipients of 2022 Regent Park SDP Grant and conditionally allocates 2023 funds

The Regent Park Social Development Plan, commonly referred as the SDP, is a community wide initiative aimed at fostering social inclusion and cohesion. The plan revolves around four priority areas: Community Building, Safety, Employment & Economic Development and Communications. The City of Toronto provides funding in the amount of $500,000 yearly to support the priority areas of the SDP. In previous years funding decisions were made by community members of the SDP in partnership with the City. For the 2022 funding year, funding recommendations were made by a small review panel comprised of residents of the Regent Park community. On December 12, 2022, the City of Toronto’s Community Funding Unit announced the recipients of 2022 Regent Park Social Development Plan Grant. According to the announcement, 26 proposals were submitted funding totalling $1.8 million. Out of these project proposals eight projects were approved for the 2022 SDP funding. 2022 SDP Recommendations Toro...

SWEA Toronto brings Swedish Christmas Fair to Regent Park

Recently, The Swedish Christmas Fair 2022 hosted by SWEA Toronto took place in Regent Park at 585 Dundas St East. The Swedish Christmas Fair attracts thousands of people each year who come to experience Swedish Christmas food, design, folk art, crafts, and traditions. The admission was free. Members of the community enjoyed Swedish food at the Café, the Lucia procession, the Swedish Folk Dancers and Singers, the Book Corner, and the vast selection of Swedish design products and folk art for sale. Lisa Quondamatteo, President of SWEA Toronto, spoke to our own RPTV Reporters Jabin Haque and Victoria Nanneti about this year’s Christmas fair in Regent Park. Jabin Haque — What are expecting to see this year? Lisa Quondamatteo — This year there will be Swedish food that you can buy or bring home, a lot of candies because Swedes love candies, we have Swedish design items, things like candles and kitchen towels, lots of folk art, crafts from leather work, we also have bo...

Songs From The Journey 2022

 On November 23rd and 24th, of 2022, the Daniels Spectrum Arts Centre featured the World Premiere of "Songs From The Journey", a performance of the greatest hits from "The Journey" musical.   There have been multiple productions of "The Journey" musical between 2013 and 2018, all celebrating the transformation of Regent Park. Storylines for each production evolved as the revitalization unfolded, highlighting key milestones experienced by residents of the community.   In 2022, in celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Daniels Spectrum, many of the past performers returned to the stage to present "Songs From The Journey". The songs were woven together with a storytelling narrative written by Mitchell Cohen, Trevlyn Kennedy and Heela Omarkhail. Canadian stage icons Jackie Richardson, Alana Bridgewater and Gavin Hope brought the songs to life, along with local stars Trevlyn Kennedy and Charlotte Siegal and music by "The Journ...

Regent Park Phases 4 & 5 Rezoning Update Meeting

Toronto Community Housing (TCHC), the lead developer of Regent Park, and Tridel, development partner for phases 4 & 5 of Regent Park, hosted a virtual meeting with the Reset Team/Consultant Team to discuss the key principles of the rezoning proposal. The meeting included new updates to the proposal and details of the plans that are moving forward in the new year (2023). Tridel’s commitment includes a social and economic development program valued at $26.8 million that will benefit the tenants and residents of Regent Park. The community plays a direct role in providing input to the the community on their priorities for the new developments of Regent Park. Phases 4 and 5 of the revitalization of Regent Park are the final phases of Regent's revitalization plan and cover Regent Park's full geographical width from Parliament Street to River Street and along Regent Park's northern street of Gerard. The meeting also included recently newly-elected Ward 13 city co...

Regent Park SDP Community Building Working Group Meeting of January 11, 2023

The Community Building Working Group is one the four working groups of the Regent Social Development Plan (SDP), a community-wide initiative aimed at fostering unity and togetherness among all the different residents and stakeholder groups in the community. In the first meeting of 2023, the Regent Park Community Building Working Group members came together on January 11, 2023, to discuss current and future activities. The meeting was chaired by Joel Klassen, an agency representative from YSM and co-chair of the Community Building Working Group. The business of the meeting began with a report from the Access to Recreation Coordinator, Ismail Afrah. Ismail began his report by reminding members that he is taking over the responsibilities and activities that was coordinated by resident Mary Henkelman , who resigned from the Access to Recreation committee. Access and Recreation has been working with the City Parks and Recreation to set up an advisory to help inform programmin...