Face off! “Should John Tory have resigned?”


I feel that Mayor John Tory’s extramarital affair and issues of consent are a private matter and should not affect his position and profession. Yes, it is true that he engaged sexually with a fellow staffer. This staffer, with whom he engaged, is rightfully shrouded in mystery. I understand and respect that the media did not "out" this woman and reveal her identity. Such an action could be unsafe and have long-term consequences against her, as culture tends to demonize women in such situations.

Nevertheless these are personal matters for both parties. People speak of an abuse of power, but the woman he engaged with was a willing participant. She knowingly engaged with Mr. Tory, and we do not have all the details and may never have them. There is a possibility that the young woman used her own power to her advantage.  

If ex-mayor Tory, in some way, coerced the fellow worker into having sex to gain money, power, or position, then that is another matter and grounds for disciplinary action or resignation, but we do not have all the details. From a societal point of view, we need to stop instantly blaming men. The MeToo movement is real, and sexual abuse is real, but it is not fair, nor is it democratic, to be the judge, jury, and jail as citizens.

Toronto has been going through many crises since the pandemic, including debt, homelessness, city violence, racism, and antisemitism, which are prevalent issues in our city. This is a terrible time for our mayor to have left as we need consistency of power. Although I have strong opinions on Mayor John Tory's decisions for our city, I still feel it is more detrimental for him to have left during this difficult economic and social time. He does more harm than good with his abrupt and unexpected departure.

Ryan Field - Ryan is a volunteer journalist with FOCUS and a student at George Brown College. 


Elected officials are held to a higher standard of ethics and morality as they are responsible for
representing the values and beliefs of their constituents. Toronto Mayor John Tory’s alleged
affair has been deemed by some as a breach of public trust, potentially contradicting the values
of commitment and honesty that he campaigned on. Such actions can raise serious doubts
about an elected official’s ability to govern effectively.

Moreover, an elected official’s personal conduct can directly affect their capacity to govern.
Engaging in behavior that undermines integrity can prompt questions about an official’s
capability to make decisions in the best interest of their constituents. The potential loss of public
trust and confidence, resulting from the scandal surrounding Mayor Tory’s alleged affair, could
hinder his ability to govern effectively.

While an individual’s private life should typically be respected, public officials must be held to a
different standard of accountability due to their role in serving the public. Their conduct, both
private and public, is subject to scrutiny as it reflects their ability to serve effectively, impact their
reputation, and credibility. If an elected official violates the public’s trust, they must be held
accountable. For some, this could mean resignation, as it demonstrates responsibility and
accountability to the public and a commitment to the principles of public service.

In summary, the personal conduct of elected officials can have significant implications for their
ability to serve in public office. Mayor Tory’s alleged affair could be interpreted as a violation of
public trust, which could undermine his effectiveness as a leader. Some people believe that he
should resign from his position, as it would demonstrate his commitment to ethics and
accountability, serving the best interests of the public.

 By Claudia
(Claudia is a volunteer journalist with FOCUS and a student at a Toronto Catholic School).


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