Interview with Councillor Chris Moise July 2023 on Toronto's Downtown East Issues

City Councillor Chris Moise is no stranger to being in the public view and is someone who has dedicated his life to public service. As councillor for Ward 13, which he has himself described as “complex” - it  encompasses the neighbourhoods of Church Wellesley, St Jamestown, Cabbagetown, Regent Park, Moss Park, and Cork Town. The ward has populations of both high income residents and low income residents, and a proportionately large number who are homeless and living in shelters, and of late, in encampments. Many also face complex health and mental issues, and may also be dealing with substance abuse issues.

In an interview with RPTV reporter, they spoke about a wide range of issues in Toronto's East Side. First, they spoke of the next stages of the multi-year revitalization of Regent Park. Many of those in Regent Park are concerned that this next phase may cause displacement of residents, barriers to accessing new facilities, and loss of the many cultural communities that are part of the current population.

Chris Moise says that he has worked hard to ensure that the coming Phases 4&6, will be providing for the more vulnerable, low income inhabitants. He says a lot has been learned from the early revitalization process and says that this population will include many homes to fit their needs, according to the Toronto Community Housing (THC) recent update, including

  •     637 new affordable housing units
  •     633 RGI (rent-geared-to-income) replacement units, completing TCHC’s commitment to replace all 2,083 RGI units at Regent Park and ...
  •     3,714 m² of community space
  •     A new civic square anchored by 2,200 m² Toronto Public Library

He also spoke to the local concern that the vacant lot at 214-230 Sherbourne was not expropriated for affordable housing, but Kingsett Capital outbid the city on it to build luxury departments. Moise says that he has been working with city staff and the THC and he is hoping to have some good news for the community in the near future. He also says that he has been working to create affordable housing in the Dundas to Sherbourne area generally.

He also spoke to the recent uptick of violence in the neighbourhood, which is being seen across the country. He said that beyond the measures already in place, community policing, quarterly community meetings, etc., 51 Division has recently recruited more police.

He also spoke to the concerns about the encampments of the homeless in Moss Park and Allan Gardens.  He said that he and his staff have placed 100 people in shelters or affordable housing in the last month. And there is now a trailer in Allan Gardens where those in encampments can see help. For more information, he suggests this link:(

The interview ended with the councillor sharing his thoughts about the TTC. Chris Moise is a TTC commissioner, and among other things voted against the recent fare hikes. Councillor Moise has several initiatives that he has suggested to the TTC, such as having mental health workers on the TTC, housing people that 'live' on the TTC, and just generally having more people (in yellow vests) present on the platform, on buses, on streetcars, so that people feel safe. And Moise also feels that more pressure should be placed on the Mayor to restore TTC services to pre-pandemic levels.

Chris Moise was elected to Councillor for Toronto Centre (Ward 13) in the October 24, 2022 municipal election. His trajectory to the position of City Councillor has included positions as Toronto District School Board Trustee for six years, a frontline police officer in Waterloo, and as an addictions counsellor at St. Michael’s Hospital. Additionally, he has had roles at various agencies, boards and committees, such as Chair - Board of Health, Member - Economic & Community Development, Member - Budget Committee, Member – Toronto & East York Community Council, Member – Toronto Transit Commission, Member- CNE Association Board of Directors, Member – TOLive Board, Member – Toronto Parking Authority, Member – Yonge-Dundas Square Board of Management, and a member with the Moss Park Board of Management, 519 Church Street Community Centre Board of Management, the Cabbagetown BIA, Church Wellesley Village BIA, Downtown Yonge St. BIA, Financial District BIA, and the St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood BIA.

By Dimitrije Martinovic
Dimtrije is a community journalist with FOCUS MEDIA ARTS CENTRE


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