Toronto's Safe Injection Sites Are Closing

Premier Doug Ford’s government has announced plans to close 10 of Ontario’s 23 supervised drug consumption sites by March 2025, with a focus on those near schools and childcare centers. This decision, Ford says, is based on concerns for children’s safety, especially regarding discarded needles in public spaces. Ford also argues that these sites have not significantly improved addiction outcomes and may be negatively impacting surrounding communities. Instead, the government will introduce 19 new Homelessness and Addiction Recovery Treatment (HART) hubs, which aim to provide comprehensive care but will exclude supervised drug consumption.

In this Regent Park TV video, we explore the impact of these closures on communities like Regent Park, which has long struggled with issues related to addiction, homelessness, and public health. The video features street interviews with downtown residents, conversations with Consumption and Treatment Service (CTS) workers, and an interview with MPP Kristyn Wong-Tam, offering insight into the complex realities surrounding addiction treatment and overdose response. For many, safe injection sites have been a lifeline, providing harm reduction services in a supportive environment. As the debate unfolds, the future of these critical resources remains uncertain, raising questions about how best to balance public safety and support for those battling addiction.




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