Renaming of Dundas Square

On July 4th, 2024, RPTV Volunteer MC Zlatan took to Dundas Square, soon to be officially renamed Sankofa Square, amidst ongoing controversy surrounding its original namesake, Henry Dundas. Dundas, known for his involvement in the trans-Atlantic slave trade during his political career in the late 18th to early 19th centuries, has sparked debate. MC Zlatan engaged with random individuals in the square, querying their perspectives on the renaming.
Henry Dundas, a prominent Scottish politician in the British parliament of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, wielded considerable influence in both Scottish and British politics. However, his historical legacy has become a topic of contemporary debate, particularly due to his association with the trans-Atlantic slave trade. His role in delaying the abolition of this trade prompted the City of Toronto to initiate the renaming of Dundas Square in downtown Toronto. 

The proposed new name, Sankofa Square, is set to take official effect on the first of next month, on August 1st, 2024. The origin of Sankofa is derived from a word in the Twi language, spoken by the Akan people of Ghana in Africa. The word loosely translates to “go back and get it”, or “learn from the past”. The significance of the selection of this word for the renaming of Dundas Square is to symbolize the action of acknowledging the past, learning from it, and building a more inclusive environment for the future of the city of Toronto.
Moreover, changing the name of the square, including surrounding signage, is estimated to cost a very considerable amount, between $100,000 and $200,000, though this price has already been paid by the owners of the buildings surrounding the square.

By Lawrence Rodrigues
Lawrence is a youth journalist with Focus Media Arts Centre


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