TCHC's Investing in “Our Diversity Scholarship Program” for Regent Park Youth

TCHC launches the 2022 scholarship program for TCHC youth residents

​​​​​​​​​​​​The Investing in Our Diversity Scholarship Program recognizes the commitment of young people involved in anti-racism, diversity initiatives, and in building safe and healthy communities such as Regent Park and the surrounding areas.

Between the cost of tuition, books, food, and transportation, it can be tough for many students to find the money to cover the cost of postsecondary school.

Regent Park youth can apply today for the Investing in Our Diversity Scholarship.

A scholarship recipient can receive:

 Up to a $4,000 scholarship award towards tuition fees for the first year of postsecondary education or training (college, university, trade school, or apprenticeship).
 Opportunity for second-year scholarships of up to $4,000 to be applied directly to tuition fees, if you attend one of the following institutions:
Ryerson University, University of Toronto, York University, Humber College, George Brown College, Seneca College or OCAD University.

Who is eligible?

  • Youth who are attending postsecondary school in 2022/2023

  • 29 years old or younger (as of May 31, 2022)

  • Not previous recipient of the Investing in our Diversity Scholarship.

  • Toronto Community Housing tenants.

  • Entering first year of postsecondary school

  • Returning postsecondary student

  • Able to demonstrate a need for financial assistance

  • Canadian citizens or permanent residents

Successful scholarship recipients are selected from among Toronto's up-and-coming diverse young leaders. Each recipient must have made a strong contribution to their communities in promoting diversity, equity and anti-racism dialogue.

Prospective applicants can attend one info session to learn more about the benefits of the Investing in our Diversity scholarships and how to make their applications stand out.

The Information Session will take place on Wednesday, February 16, 2022

In episode 20 of the Regent Park Weekly TV News, Deangela Provo and Kwasi Adu-Poku - 2021 scholarship recipients - share what the scholarships meant to them – and how the program supports their future aspirations.

Written by
Fred Alvarado

FOCUS Media Arts Centre


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