Lindsay Jackson to Leave the Regent Park SDP for a new position with the City of Toronto

Lindsay Jackson, a community development officer with the city is leaving her position in Regent Park.

The SDP also known as the Regent Park Social Development Plan, is a community wide initiative consisting of various city funded projects and activities aimed at building social cohesion and inclusion. The role of the SDP Planning Committee is to set the agenda for the SDP Stakeholder Table, which is the main decision-making body for the Social Development Plan. The SDP membership is made up of TCHC residents, Market residents, Agency representatives and Grassroots groups.

 On January 13, 2022, the SDP Planning Committee held their regular weekly meeting over Zoom. This week’s meeting of the SDP Planning Committee was facilitated by Lindsay Jackson and Lloyd Pike, a long-time resident of Regent Park.

The first item on the agenda was Lindsay’s announcement that she will be leaving the SDP to take on another position with the city. Lindsay Jackson was a community development worker with the city tasked with the responsibility of supporting Regent Park and the Social Development Plan. Over the past two years Lindsay has been working with members of the SDP Planning Committee and the SDP Stakeholders Table to guide its work and help in the implementation of activities.

Lindsay's new position at the City as an Agency Review Officer with the Community Funding Unit will begin following a two week transition period. Lindsay’s last meeting will take place on Thursday January 20th.

Richard Kirwan, a Community Development Officer with the city who was present at the meeting stated that the process for hiring a new community development worker to replace Lindsay will take place in the next couple of weeks. In the mean time, he will support the SDP Planning Committee until a replacement has been hired and supervising the position when a new community development worker is hired. Lindsay will also be developing a transition report to help the new person get up to speed.

A farewell tribute was held for Lindsay Jackson at the January 20th meeting of the SDP Planning Committee. At the end of the tribute, Lindsay bid the planning committee farewell saying it was a honour to have served and wishing the committee well in all its future activities. 

Best Wishes Lindsay!!!

Written by
Adonis Huggins

FOCUS Media Arts Centre


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