Regent Park Youth Discuss Healthy Relationships

In this episode #3 of the “4GetAboutIt!” Youth Collective, youth hosts get into “deep conversations” about relationships, love, romance and self-love.

Samir, Daiem and Saima are youth residing in Regent Park. They are also members of the 4GetAboutIt! Youth Collective, a collective of young people involved in journalism activities at the Focus Media Arts Centre. When the collective was asked to identify issues pertaining to the interests of neighbourhood youth – among the concerns that came up were: the environment; youth unemployment; housing; and relationships!

It should not be surprising that relationships came up. As social beings, the capacity to form and maintain relationships is essential to us and how we function within society. It is a key component to being mentally healthy, and having a positive sense of wellbeing. In reflecting upon this further the 4GetAboutIt! crew decided to make healthy relationships the subject of their next show.

Whether it is navigating friendships, intimacy or romantic relationships, what are some key factors in building strong, blooming relationships that foster support, and growth for all involved? How are good and healthy relationships built?

The thing that came up as the number one factor in fostering healthy relationships was communication, communication, communication! Samir, Daiem and Saima discussed the importance of having the adequate communication skills to let someone else know how you are feeling in a way that they can hold space for without feeling attacked. We must also not forget that effective communication includes active and intentional listening as well.

Boundaries were also a big factor in the relationships discussion; it is important to know and respect one's limits as well as be effective in clearly communicating those to loved ones in our life. This could be essential in avoiding conflict down the line.

Another fundamental consideration discussed by the young hosts in building and maintaining healthy relationships is trust. If you do not trust somebody with your most vulnerable feelings it can be hard to cultivate a deep, open and intimate connection. The hosts felt like trust goes hand in hand with effective communication and knowing your boundaries. If you feel like you can trust someone, it will be easier to let your guard down, open up and communicate your feelings, boundaries and needs.

Finally, the question of self -love and relationships came up. Can you be in a healthy relationship with someone if you have not yet cultivated a healthy relationship with yourself? In the end, Saima, Daiem and Samir came to the conclusion that we often cannot help when we like someone or even fall in love, but we can become more self -ware and conscious of how we interact in our relationships. It may not be the easiest to be in a relationship while working on ourselves but it is also not impossible to have personal growth and learn to love ourselves more and more while loving and supporting someone else as well.

Keep tuning in to 4GetAboutIt! TV to hear what neighbourhood youth have to say about the issues they care about.


Written by
Ana Higuera

FOCUS Media Arts Centre



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