“Speaking With Confidence” is a free, 6 week public speaking training that teaches Regent Park residents newcomers how to successfully express and advocate for themselves in public settings

Part of Regent Park’s Revitalization plan includes significant City of Toronto funding for the Regent Park Social Development Plan (SDP). The SDP aims to foster Social Cohesion and Inclusion in the new Regent Park. This process includes identifying key areas and action projects that meet the goals of building Social Capital in a new mixed income neighbourhood. After a consultation process with the community, four key areas were identified, these were: Safety, Community Building, Communications and Employment and Economic Development.

To implement action activities in each of these areas, working group committees were formed.

The “Speaking with Confidence” training was an initiative developed by the Safety Working Group in collaboration with Regent Park’s Mother’s of Peace and TD’s Centre for Learning and Development. The facilitator of the series was an instructor from George Brown College.

Ines Garcia, a resident member of the Safety Working Group and an organizer of the Speaking with Confidence workshops, shared why she felt this workshop was important. “Workshops like this are important for the community in order to have everyone’s voice considered in matters that involve all Regent Parkers.” Garcia expressed that many newcomers living in the Regent Park community want to be part of the revitalization process and other projects that are happening in the community but due to difficulties speaking English and lack of understanding and familiarity of Canadian ways of doing things, do not have the tools or do not feel confident speaking out in big groups. Therefore, an initiative like this was crucial in her eyes, in order to reach true social Inclusion and cohesion.

Shabana Rangoonwala, a South Asian resident who attend the Speaking with Confidence series, told us that before the workshops she was very uncomfortable speaking in front of large groups. After the workshops she gained much confidence from the knowledge she acquired and feels that she is much more comfortable now speaking in public.

In the 6-week public speaking training, participants learned things like how to prepare a point, how to approach and speak in different contexts like meetings or job interviews. They also learned speech techniques and vocabulary for different situations and non-verbal communication.

Adriana Dasilva, a Brazilian participant, stated, “after I finished the workshop speaking with confidence, I got the skills to speak up, to ask a question -- because before, I have participated in many meetings but I stay behind. I have so many things to ask but I don't feel confident to ask a question. Now I got the skills to ask a question and be more participate.”

All Regent Park residents were welcome to the free series of workshops. The workshops took place on Tuesdays starting May 18th and ending June 22nd from 1 - 3pm, online on zoom.

Ines Garcia and the SDP Safety Working Group hope to run another Speaking with Confidence series again in the new year. 


Written by
Ana Higuera

FOCUS Media Arts Centre


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