What's Opening Up in Regent Park During Ontario’s Reopening

Regent Park's vaccination clinic played its part in contributing to Ontario’s earlier than expected reopening! As the numbers of administered doses rise and COVID cases begin to drop, Ontario begins phase 3 of the reopening plan days earlier than expected. Ontario's chief medical officer of health Kieran Moore says “Over 200,000 (people a day) are coming forward to get immunized.” Vaccination and pop-up clinics are at the forefront of getting Ontarians vaccinated, and one of the recurring vaccine clinics is located in Regent Park! The Regent Park Community Centre located on 402 Shuter Street, has been doing pop-up clinics in the neighbourhood for the past few weeks. The pop-up entrance is on the north side of the building and is prioritizing residents and essential workers of Regent Park. There is no registration or identification required however, attendees are encouraged to bring their health cards. The pop-up provides the Moderna vaccine for those over the age of 18...